Intestinal Regulation
We now know that our gut microbiome (i.e. the entirety of the bacteria colonizing our intestinal mucosa) has a considerable influence on our health and our immune system, but also on the nervous system, on cognitive abilities such as concentration and memory or mood (the so-called gut brain). The microbiome even contributes to the development of depression and dementia.
Unfortunately, our food is increasingly processed and contaminated with preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers and pesticides. This results in an imbalance between protective and harmful factors, which can lead to silent inflammation with unhealthy permeability of the intestinal mucosa (so-called leaky gut). Added to this is a lack of fiber, low-quality fatty acids and stress. Nutrients are no longer optimally absorbed and the vicious circle closes.
Modern laboratories provide deep insights into the composition of our microbiome with its harmful and health-promoting bacterial cultures and the integrity of the mucous membrane. The targeted use of micronutrients, amino acids, fiber and probiotics leads to a regeneration of the intestine, which is the center of our health from a holistic point of view.
Service options:
Examination of the microbiome and other parameters for assessment
of micronutrient deficiencies, silent inflammation or damage to the
intestinal mucosa
Promoting an intact mucous membrane through targeted application of
micronutrients, amino acids, fiber or fatty acids (SCFA)
Regeneration of a sustainably healthy microbiome through prebiotics and
probiotics (symbiosis control)
advice on dietary changes and lifestyle